Anyway, the next day during a production lunch break, some cast members and I (and my composer friend) go to a falafel place we like in the Brooklyn neighborhood where BAM is located. Lo and behold, X is there and our waiter sits us right next to him. This is cool. We gesture his way, but it is clear that X is not interested since he goes out of his way not to acknowledge us. I know what you're thinking - what a dickhead, right? But let's not jump to conclusions, after all, there is Mediterranean food coming.
Anyway, X begins a LOUD soliloquy about the proliferation of young composers in their twenties who are working and thriving in the city (I've noticed that too and think it's cool). Then X, still in declamatory mode, asks the rhetorical question: "Why are there are hardly any, or no, composers in their thirties and forties who are doing any interesting work, or that I have even heard of?" I couldn't believe this douche bag! I mean, we thirties and forties are sitting right there, all of us professional working artists, and with the gigs and experience to merit collegial treatment at the very least, but not insults from this troll (X).
I chose not to confront X since he was a principal in our show that opened the next night, and I never want to bring bad vibes to a production (plus X looks a little soft). But, it was all I could do not to channel my Queens vibe and wring X's late-fifties chicken neck. Maybe X hasn't heard of us (hundreds at least) because his inner ear can't hear beyond the perfectly sound-proof sphere of ego that surrounds him; or, perhaps because my generation is too close in age to X for us to be acolytes or fans; or maybe he doesn't support artists other than himself.... I don't know... and don't care to speculate beyond this post.
I'm not inklined to say who X is, but my story is true - my hand to God (Woody Allen voice). X is definitely the (dickhead) guitarist of the day. Way to go X! Keep up the good community work that is a stated part of your liberal ethos. There is a lesson to be learned here, and that is a lesson in how not to be like X. BTW, the BAM show was fabulous despite the generic music.
The dickhead homepage
Keep on practicing y'all. Don't let the devil get you down.
Sentient beings are numberless. I vow to save them
You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you.
- Carly Simon
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