Sunday, February 21, 2010

The guitarist of the day is Susan Tedeschi

Susan Tedeschi is fucking cool. Don't say it. Don't say she sounds like Janis or Bonnie because it ain't true. It's the genitalia that's confusing you. She sounds like herself. And check out that solidbody D'Angelico in the second clip - damn.  Susan's definitely got the blues, and good for her. Soul, taste, tone, songs, the whiskey-inflected voice's all there (who knew Boston could produce anything but millions-of-notes guitar clones?) I've never seen her live, but I will ASAP.

Susan's music is drawn from a  confluence of American musics including blues, country, and jazz; and she rocks (see the period).  Her work shows a consistent craftspersonship (yikes!), and her songs contain interesting lyrics, arrangements, and jazz/blues chord changes in addition to the root/fifth blues shuffles we all know and love when grooved right. Susan's musicality and tasteful restraint on the guitar are some of her trademarks, as is her really fine singing. For some reason, I feel like there's an Elvin Bishop reference here, but it might just be my 'magination running away wit me.

Don't compare her to other women, but to other musicians if you are the comparing kind. Gender don't matter here in the USA, y'all (what?). In fact, don't compare her to anyone at all. Especially to her famous guitarist husband: he who shall remain nameless in this post. It's about HER and her artistry. Is she an effective communicator and artist with the musical language she uses? - yeah.

I'm glad to see real artists making a difference in the world, and surviving somehow. It gives us all hope and inspiration. Cheers to Susan Tedeschi. She is definitely on the "good" side of this blog and blogger. Keep up the work. Susan, I'm definitely partial to the telecaster, though. :)

homepage and more sounds at

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